❀ Why?

why not?

Pretty much my reasons for picking these two and the site name.

Fairy OTP

Why Clarion and Milori? I was watching The Pirate Fairy (yes I started there) and I saw Clarion and Milori standing next to each other, only I didn't know the characters. I was curious though. I knew Clairon was voiced by Anjelica Huston though and that was part of the reason I finally decided to give the movies a chance. Then I decided to watch Secret of the Wings which happened to be the one where Milori is introduced. I totally lucked out on that one and got to see a cute sister movie too. Double win! I saw the interaction between Clarion and Milori and was just enchanted. I loved it. And the fact that it's a happy ending for everyone (thank you this time Disney!) made me really happy. I was really into it. Then I watched two more of the movies and decided I wanted to do something for the Disney Fairies and Clarion/Milori. I ended up loving it so much. And it was supposed to be a one page but I had too much to say and it ended up a full shrine. I finally watched the last movie (Great Fairy Rescue) which didn't have Clarion in it at all. Oh so why Clarion and Milori? Out of all the couples (or hinted ones), it's my favorite. It's even a legit couple (not that it would really matter). But I like it. They are adult fairies with a ton of responsibility; it's just appealing to me. Younger fairy couples that where hinted at weren’t as appealing to me. And I have a complete biasness towards Anjelica Huston. ♥ Breaks down to why not Clarion and Milori.

Site Name

Why'd I pick it? I chose "Fly Again" for a couple different reasons. I was watching Tinker Bell movies and one of the songs is "Fly to your heart" and I do believe is sung by Selena Gomez. And it's pretty much about just be yourself and be happy with it. But the "Fly to who you are, Climb upon your star, You believe you'll find your wings, Fly, To your heart" got me thinking of Clarion and Milori. Milori has a broken wing and he is really sad but he and Clarion get back together, so for me he flew again. And that's how I got "fly again". But then I got "broken wings" by Mr. Mister stuck in my head and that reminded me of them again, Milori took his broken wing and flew again. He learned how because of Tink and Peri. It wasn't just his wing that was broken. That's all I got. I hope it makes sense because it made sense in my head.