❀ Appearance

clothed in cheer

Clarion Let's start at the top of Clarion. She has long light brown hair (possibly really dirty blonde) rolled up in a bun. Her golden crown of swirls sits upon her head. Though I believe she has a crown for every season. Her skin is slightly tanned but it's probably really soft. Her eyes are a bluish teal with yellow eye shadow. And her lips seem to be a soft light brown, maybe tan.

Clarion Her dress (one of my favorites) is made from baby blue flowers and pixie dust. It's yellow just like pixie dust and resembles pixie dust as well. At first I just thought it was made from pixie dust but I read somewhere that the baby blue flowers were part of it. I'm really hoping I got the flower right too. But it's made from pixie dust and a flower. Most outfits are made from flowers and leaves. It doesn't show her shoes but I'm thinking flats that match her dress.

Now her wings, oh they are pretty. They look like yellow pixie dust butterfly wings. There is probably a specific type of butterfly wings her are modeled after but I don't know it. I just know they are pretty and the biggest in Pixie Hollow. I think it's because she's queen.

In Winter Woods she wears a pale yellow colored flower jacket. Complete with some puffiness around the neck. She even wore Milori's feather cape for a time.